What is OS/OR & Objectum?

OS/OR (short for Objectum-Sexuality/Romanticism) and objectum are both terms referring to attraction to objects, from personal items like dolls to entire structures and landmarks. This may also include attraction to abstract concepts, like sound, which is referred to as conceptum.

While objectum attraction and relationships may seem strange or abnormal, they can be just as fulfilling as human relationships, if not more. Though unconventional, objectum attraction is natural, healthy, and can be experienced just as positively as attraction to humans.

Objectum-Orientation is often misunderstood to be a paraphilic disorder. While some OS/OR individuals do have clinical objectophilia, it's been proven that attraction to objects is not inherently disordered or fetishistic. Individuals with clinical objectophilia may still have healthy objectum relationships, however, and their objectum-sexuality is no less valid than that of non-paraphilic objectums.

Because Objectum-Orientation was originally labelled and understood as a paraphilia, many objectums may identify as objectophiles without having clinical objectophilia. Many objectophiles do not have a paraphilic disorder, and many do; neither should be assumed.

About the Site

OS/OR Info is a page dedicated to providing detailed information on Objectum-Orientation and related experiences. This site is run by members of the objectum community as a personal project. We started out as a simple dictionary hosted on Rentry before migrating to neocities to make the dictionary easier to navigate, provide external resources, and add information on a wider variety of topics.

Because this is a personally run site, there may be small errors, and we encourage you to do your own research on anything learned here. If you find a mistake, please reach out through our feedback form.